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Brian Dunhill
Oct 31, 20226 min read
Banking for Expats - Should You Keep Your US Bank Account, and What Are The Best Banks Abroad?
“Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” - Thomas Jefferson One of the most important considerations as you plan...
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Isa Kettmann
Oct 20, 20222 min read
Dunhill Financial Featuring in Webinar For Expats in the US
Dunhill Financial is proud to participate in an online financial planning event for European expats in the US on October 26th at 1pm ET.
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Isa Kettmann
Oct 7, 20222 min read
Mortgage 101: The Basics of Funding Your Home Purchase
Most first-time homebuyers in the US use a mortgage to finance their home purchase. In fact, only 30 percent of U.S. home purchases in 2021
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Kamaljit Somal
Sep 19, 20224 min read
Understanding the Estate Planning Process
It is common for people to put off planning their estates. After all, no one wants to anticipate his or her own death.
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Kamaljit Somal
Sep 15, 20223 min read
6 Wise Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
When your tax refund arrives from Uncle Sam, it can be tempting to spend it immediately. Find out how to best make use of your refund...
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Kamaljit Somal
Sep 12, 20223 min read
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG): Aligning Investment Choices with Social Causes
We all have social causes that we care about. But there can sometimes be divergence in the causes we care about and our investment decisions
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Kamaljit Somal
Sep 5, 20222 min read
401k's, IRAs and Roth's, what do they all mean?
If your a US citizen or US expat, the sheer number of retirement and savings options out there can be overwhelming at times.
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Brian Dunhill
Aug 10, 20222 min read
US Social Security for American Expats
Retirement planning in the Western world is mostly based on a 3 pillars - your government pension, corporate pension and personal savings.
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Isa Kettmann
Jun 24, 20222 min read
Saving for College: A Guide for Expat Parents
If you’re an expat with young children, you can't afford to ignore a major expense looming in the future–college education for your kids.
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Kamaljit Somal
May 31, 20224 min read
When should I start taking Social Security?
The most common and confusing question for people planning for their retirement is the perfect age to start taking Social Security.
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Isa Kettmann
May 23, 20223 min read
Retirement Strategies for Gen-Y
Retirement appears to be a long way off, and you have decades to prepare.
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Isa Kettmann
May 11, 20221 min read
How to choose the best debt repayment strategy?
Essentially, there are two methods which you could use to tackle debt, they are the Snowball and Avalanche methods respectively.
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Isa Kettmann
May 10, 20222 min read
How to Avoid Making Financial Decisions Based on Emotion?
You've worked hard for years to develop a strong retirement investment portfolio. The stock market then plummets.
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Isa Kettmann
May 9, 20222 min read
How to use your Tax Refund?
Every time you receive your tax refunds, you might get really excited about how you would use it. However, there are better ways to use them
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Isa Kettmann
Apr 25, 20223 min read
5 Financial Not To-Do's
If you take care of these 5 things, you might end up saving a lot of money and time.
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Isa Kettmann
Apr 22, 20223 min read
How to overcome Market Volatility with a Financial Plan?
The portfolio which you own is probably designed in the best way possible to achieve your financial goals.
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Isa Kettmann
Apr 20, 20222 min read
How Can A Financial Advisor Help You Achieve Your Goals?
Financial advisors will argue that financial planning and investing are topics about which everyone should be knowledgeable. Financially adv
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Isa Kettmann
Mar 18, 20223 min read
Investing in American Securities VS the QEF Election?
Investing in US compliant securities and funds is almost always going to be the better option over exotic alternatives, not to mention...
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Isa Kettmann
Mar 11, 20223 min read
Is life insurance the right product for you?
Just like any other piece of your financial jigsaw, periodic monitoring of your Life Insurance policy is essential to ensure it will achieve
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